Peninsula Education Foundation

Lightwaves 2016-17

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I have been teaching at Peninsula High School for 12 years, and I am currently head of the Computer Science and Engi- neering Department, along with being the SMERT (Science, Math, Engineering, Research, Technology) coordinator. The high school students in our district are exemplary. They are passionate about STEM subjects and very driven. We have had students who developed their own iPhone app, in- terned at Google, became expert programmers and worked at LA Biomedical Research Ins tute - all while being high school students. I am grateful for PEF's support of our SMERT program. They are helping us develop cri cal thinkers and the next genera- on of innovators. Their funding allows us to keep growing our program and gives our students the ability to compete and excel in state and na onal compe ons. Hassan Twiet, Peninsula High School This year PEF is celebra ng over 37 years of philanthropy suppor ng PVPUSD. In February, we invited all of our past PEF presidents to an in mate gathering at Palos Verdes Country Club that was graciously hosted by our current co-presidents, Ma hew Rener and Michelle Fullerton and our VP of Board Governance, Roger Yang. MY PEF STORY - Hassan Twiet PEF ALUMNI ASSOCIATION We are so fortunate to have such an engaged group of past leaders who con nue to support the founda on. We are looking forward to celebra ng the dedica on of so many, and gaining insight into the knowledge of the past, so we can prepare for another 37 years of suppor ng the educa on of our children and our local schools. It was so memorable, that with the help of our past presidents, we are holding a reunion on April 22 of all the past trustees who have served on the board of PEF since its incep on. The evening was filled with laughter, memories and words of wisdom for our current leadership. Past presidents shared some of their favorite and most humorous memories from their me on the board. Many stories revolved around how a wonderful evening of fundraising at the Main Event is always the end result even a er following many unan ci- pated catastrophes. The best part is how everyone was able to laugh (even at the me) and share how they forged through. It's this determina on, team- work, and dedica on that is the founda on of PEF. Back row (l-r): Marlene Young ('93-'95), Debby Stegura ('06), Dave Wagman ('06-'09), Roma Mistry ('14-'16), Marilyn Prindle ('00-'02), Ma her Rener (current co-pres.), Kate Cocke('09- '11) and Luann Kurnick ('89-'90). Front row (l-r): Michelle Fullerton (current co-pres.), Rose- mary Humphrey ('95-'98); David Hart ('82-'83), Peggy Lanigan ('86-'88)

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