Peninsula Education Foundation

Lightwaves 2016-17

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he Peninsula Educa on Founda on supports STEM because we know it is a cri cal component to our children's educa on. STEM edu- ca on creates cri cal thinkers, increases science literacy and enables the next genera on of innovators. Each year, PEF hosts the STEM Symposium where students in grades 4-12 can showcase their engineering projects, mentor one another, and prac ce ex- plaining complex concepts to other students and community members. These projects are student-designed and student- made. that will help secure their futures in our increasingly innova on-driven economy. PEF thanks our STEM program sponsors: Robinson Helicopter, Southern California Edison, Employees Community Fund of Boeing and SpaceX. Many thanks to Vestar and Peninsula Center for kindly dona ng the venue for the STEM Symposium. This year's STEM Sympo- sium, held at the Peninsula Center, will feature ba le bots, a high al tude balloon, CO2 cars and dragsters, quad-copters, octo-copters, civil-engineering projects, 3-D prin ng, and much more! The STEM Symposium has many interac ve exhib- its and it's a great place for students and parents alike to see what a STEM educa on can provide. As evidenced by these STEM Symposium photos, our PVPUSD STEM students are developing high-tech skills

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