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OUR SCHOOLS NEED US! Join the Peninsula Educa� on Founda� on in vo� ng YES for PV on March 3rd! Peninsula Educa� on Founda� on's Board of Trustees has voted unanimously to en- dorse the PVPUSD School Facili� es Bond on March 3, 2020. This bond is impera� ve so that our district can address desperately needed improvements to the safety and security of the schools throughout our district. Although our district consistently ranks high on mul� ple na� onal assessments and many families specifi cally move to the Palos Verdes Peninsula for our amazing schools, our district is one of the lowest funded in the state of California. PEF, PTA and Boost- ers all help to supplement the diff erence between what our school district receives from the state and what is needed to provide our children and the next genera� on of learners, the best educa� on possible to provide them with the founda� on they need to succeed. This support, however, does not address the infrastructure needs of our school campuses. Vo� ng Yes on the PV Bond Measure will help our district have the means to improve the deteriora� ng facili� es on all school campuses. The average age of our schools is 60 years old, and the majority have not been renovated in almost 20 years. Funds secured from this bond will go towards retrofi � ng school buildings to meet current statewide seismic codes to improve earthquake safety; improve plumbing to ensure all students have access to good quality drinking water and func� oning re- strooms; repairing deteriora� ng school roofs; update fi re and security systems; and comply with American with Disabili� es Act requirements, among other much needed improvements. All funding will go directly to our schools and we will have local control over the funds, to ensure that every dollar of this measure will be spent at PVPUSD school sites. There will also be an independent ci� zens commission to review and au- dit all spending to make sure the funds are spent exactly how voters approved it. Please join the Peninsula Educa� on Founda� on in our support of Bond Measure PV. If we don't raise the money to update our facili� es now, as our neighboring districts have done, we will be faced with the burden later when it will cost signifi cantly more as condi� ons con� nue to deteriorate and construc� on costs increase. We want to maintain our district's reputa� on for excellent educa� on, as this a� racts young families to our community, which leads to high property values protec� ng our investments as well as suppor� ng our investment in tomorrow's leaders and innova- tors. The PTSAs at Palos Verdes High School and Peninsula High School are co-hos� ng a Parent Educa� on Night to help answer ques� ons you may have regarding the bond measure. This mee� ng will take place on Monday, January 20, 2020 from 6-8 pm at the Peninsula Center Library's Community Room located at 701 Silver Spur Road, RHE.

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